Become a Friend of the Herberger Theater

Since 1989, the Herberger Theater has brought the magic of live performing arts to hundreds of thousands of people, including children. Our programs are truly the heart of the Herberger Theater. They spark and stimulate imagination, encourage confidence, and create possibilities for all to explore the arts.

The arts can also transport us to a different world, give us a new perspective on familiar issues, and help us empathize with others. Providing an inclusive experience is at the core of the Herberger Theater’s mission: giving every person access to the arts. We don’t want a single person to be excluded from the Herberger Theater community for financial or logistical reasons. That’s why our programs are designed to make live performances available at no cost or low cost to the community.

Your gift will provide arts experiences for:

Children – Our arts education programs such as Wolf Trap, Arizona Young Artists’ Competition and Theater Camp bring the joy of artistic engagement to underserved youth, including preschoolers in low-income communities and homeless and abused teens living in group homes and shelters.

Older Adults – Our Lunch Time Theater makes live performances available at a low cost with performances held during the day. The program showcases the work of diverse and emerging theater companies with one-act plays, featuring local artists and performing companies.

Our Community – Free programming like Performance Pop-Ups, First Friday Live, Art Exhibits, and Festival of the Arts celebrate the diverse cultural heritage of our community, providing meaningful experiences while making the arts accessible to all.

Our programs educate, entertain and inspire audiences of all ages!

Please make your tax-deductible contribution TODAY and help us continue to provide these crucial arts experiences for years to come. Your gift to the Herberger Theater will help nurture a strong and vibrant cultural community and help our programs to flourish.

Become a Friend Today!

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The Herberger Theater Center would like to thank its donors for their generosity and support! (as of January 31, 2025)


Billie Jo Herberger

Judy Balan Pearl


Karin & Edward Aldama

Will Antone

Char & Alan Augenstein

Blue Cross Blue Shield Arizona

Rebeca Gonzalez & Dave Watkins

Jeff Guldner

Michael Harris

Dawn & Tom Hart

Christian Hoyt

Teri & Norm Klein

Philip & Jennifer Kim

Jessica Kokal

Jerry Mettes

Mike Parrish

Thomas Raffaeli

Jenny Holsman Tetreault

Patricia Watts

Victoria Williams



Richard Bowers

Susan & Brian Boylan

Jason Braunstein

Jill & Kipp Clark

Ronald Davis

Holly Herberger DelCastillo & Roger DelCastillo In Memory of Judd Herberger, Beloved Father

Russ & Erika Dickey

Patrick Dostal

Andrea & Tom Evans

Todd Franks

Jennifer & Matt Franze

Celestine Gebrier

Jason Hauter

Kim Ho

Julie Jacobsen

In Memory of Dorothy Laurie

Greg & Sandra Marshall

Mark & Marlene Mettes

Pedro Miranda

Beth Nicastro

Stephanie Quincy

Darlene Richert

Christopher Rodriquez

Michael Sillyman

Christy & Andrew Smigielski

Phil Smithers

Spence Family Foundation

Caroline West

D.L. Withers Foundation

Barry & Barbara Zemel

David & Nancy Zoloto


Laurene & Jim Austin

Dr. Battinto Batts

Marcia Beram

Valerie Boger

Chris & Kristie Bowers, In Memory of Dick Bowers

Eric Brandt

Whitney Brantley

Carrie Cariati

Peggy Sharp Chamberlain

Traci Chandler

Jennifer & Jay Cook

Desert Ron

Robert Dixon

Theresa Dwyer

Jason Fiore

In honor of Linda Florio

Joanie Flatt Family Foundation

Virginia Ramos Foster

Al Gaddini

Gaylord Gagnon

Cindy Goelz

Susan & Richard Goldsmith

Hagge Family, In Memory of Dick Bowers

Gabriele Hill

Tammy Honnas

Janet Howe

Marcia & Wayne Hungerford

Meghan & Matt Jameson

Lynn Lagarde

Larry & Tracy Lytle

In Memory of Allan and Lois Mayer

Jaclyn Nesemann


Derek Petersen

Jon Poure

Kat Proffitt

Michael Regan

Leslie & Jeff Rich

Jim Saunders

Lisa & Keith Sawottke

Shelby Scharbach

Kelly & Mia Singer

Michael Smith

Patricia Stewart

Hazel Stone

Amie & Jason Symchak

Max Taylor

Megan Taylor

In Memory of Dorothy Rae Turley

Ashley & Duane Winkel

In honor of Joan Zecher


Kelly Arwari

Tayla Beckham

Riley Bjerk

Amy Brown

Latrisha Centers

Shelley Cohn

Samantha & Gerald Deetz

Anne DeGraw

Liz Franzese

Susie Goetze

Wendy & Peter Gordon

Marcia Guerrant

Cat & Josh Hartmann

James & Linda Hazlewood

Shirley Hill

In Honor of Kim Ho

Delaney Hoxsie

Marcia & Wayne Hungerford

Lisa Inglis

Shonna James

Darlene Keller

Katie Knueppel

Garry Lee Lenig, Jr.

Samuel Marcus

Candace McDonald

Barbara Ondrasek

Debra Paget & Jeff Berg

Linda & Jim Saunders

In honor of Alizaya Schoon

Wendi Sobelman

Nina Stewart

Melissa & Matthew Stoloff

Gary Vulcano

Donald & Cheryn Wall

Shannen Walter

Daniel Warnier, In Memory of Dick Bowers

Shari & Chuck Warshaver

Ann & Van Wolf

Emily Vincent

Zen Business


Gail & John Allan

Tammie Bean, In Memory of Richard Bowers

In Memory of Joel and Geoffrey Berkowitz

Jamie Black, In Memory of Dick Bowers

Victoria Blaker

Don Carson, In Memory of Dick Bowers

Charles Case & Pamela Culwell

Mary E. Contreras

Diana Creighton

Megan Davis

Bijen Dyrek

Dennis Emond

Noel & Anne Fidel

Barbara Filosi

Yolanda B. Fuchs

Becky & David Gaspar

Jan Gavzy

Mary Lou Goldstein

Robert Hanna

In honor of Dawn Hart

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Heid

In Memory of Brad & June Havens

Karolyn Kiburz

Pat Kingston

Drew Kuettel

In honor of Debra & Jim Larson

Carol & Steve Ludick

In Memory of Glenarva Meridith

Anthony Miano

Taylor Morgan

Mary Nelles

Jessica O'Neal

Kiffie Robbins

John & Gail Ryan, In Memory of Richard A. Bowers

Karen Scates

Denis Slawsby

Emy Tice, In Memory of Dick Bowers

Julie Wade

Ginger Ward

Christopher Watson, In Memory of Dick Bowers

William Weese

Gerald Weiner Designated Fund

In Memory Of David M. Wo

David Wright

Joseph & Diana Zerella

To make a tax-deductible contribution, click donate button or call 602-254-7399 x105.